Monday, September 21, 2009


A budget is very important.

This is what I was taught and I can clearly see how a budget works.

However......I hate budgets.

For one, I have always disliked math. I do not find it engaging to think of numbers doing things with other numbers. Also, I have come to see money as a necessary evil that can easily become the controlling factor on the course of life.

I have experienced money in many different capacities. Good and Bad. In the end I don't like it much. I have an undeniable need for it based on the circumstances of life. I am well aware of its influence.

At this time I feel a strong desire to keep my budget as low as possible. Always being open to new ways to reduce it. For me a low necessity for money is freedom. Freedom from the grind. If I do not need a lot of money (and I do not think any person does) then I free up time for things other than working to attain more money.

Freedom. Freedom from the burden of debt and cyclic never ending bills. Freedom to spend time with loved ones. Freedom to learn new things and to engage in activities I enjoy.

There are a great many activities I enjoy. Things that make the efforts of life worthwhile and acceptable. The world is so vast and alive with things, activities, places, people to pass before my perception and create this ever flowing experience of living. That is richness to me. Concentrating on the moments we are in. Vibrantly open and free from the angst of non-acceptance, of desire, want, fear, anger, jealousy, and judgement. So many people seem to trade off part of being alive in exchange for a career and acquisitions of objects. I have been on that track myself and for me it was dull and draining with manic highs and lows.

I don't know if I'll ever hit one out of the park with regard to the pursuit of money......but it doesn't really matter to me. The things I really want in my life I have. I am enjoying my experience and as long as I can abide in a simple fashion that fulfills basic needs and comforts I will rest easy indeed.

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